Our Process

We will build a program to fit your needs and budget. We provide two options to get you started.

Option A: Quick Start

Review our list of services for how we can help you improve your e-bike sales and operations. If you see where we might fill a need, let’s have a conversation.

Option B: Audit > Review> Customize > Implement > Measure

Step 1: Audit

Through questionnaires, interviews with you and your staff (optional) and a review of your competitive environment, we’ll learn both your current e-bike operations and where you want to go with your e-bike business. Information gathered will include:

  • Operating ratios and statistics including sales trends, sales by brand, model or type of e-bike, related accessory sales, estimated close ratios, % profit margins, inventory levels, etc.

  • Your sales process

  • Marketing and advertising (where applicable)

  • Staffing

  • Competition - including your perspectives on how you are positioned against them

There is a fee for this service, 50% of which can be applied towards program implementation.

Step 2: Review

Once we assess your current e-bike operations, your competitive environment and your aspirations, we’ll summarize opportunities and actions that will grow your e-bike business. Since our recommendations will lead towards sales growth, expect some operational recommendations that go beyond what you may have otherwise been considering.

Step 3: Customize

Based on your feedback from the review, we’ll provide a custom plan, with costs, for moving forward. After further review, we may need to modify the plan to fit your budget.

Step 4: Implement

Depending on the services selected, we’ll provide a combination of:

  • Training sessions (via Zoom or in person)

  • Procedural documents

  • Recommendations for equipment purchases

  • Recommendations for additions and/or changes to your product line-up

  • Vendor contacts, review of vendor programs and contracts

  • Customer engagement material

Step 5: Measure

Measuring is important whether we use our complete process (A.R.C.I.M.) or take the more casual approach (Quick Start).

We’ll work with you to set performance targets and measure results. We’ll provide guidance to refine your processes to hit your goals.